Family Medicine Residency Program

Clinical Rotations

Inpatient Medicine

4 blocks in PGY1

The inpatient medicine blocks will be at Enloe Health the medical hub for the northstate. The
hospitalists starting the teaching service are excited for the opportunity to teach and the diverse
patient population we serve provides ample learning opportunities. Our family medicine
residents are the only residents in the hospital and will have exposure to a wide range of
pathology. Our teaching attendings are becoming trained in Point-of-Care Ultrasound to utilize
in assisting with diagnosis and performing hospital-based procedures.
Enloe has an open ICU and interns will gain experience in managing ICU patients integrated
into their first year. We also have available through Dr. Schroll, one of our associate program
directors, integrated palliative care to assist with family discussions and patient-centered care.


2 blocks in PGY1

Averaging 1900 births per year the mother/baby unit at Enloe is a highlight of the hospital.
Working with the fantastic Obstetric and nurse midwife team the family medicine residents will
have the opportunity to participate in many deliveries. Reflecting the family medicine model the
resident physician will care for both mother and baby, rounding on the couplets throughout their
hospital stay. As part of their orientation interns will complete ALSO (advanced life support for
Obstetrics) led by one of our associate program directors Dr. Leininger. We will also provide
weekly didactics in the first half of the year preparing interns in antepartum, labor and
post-partum care along with newborn care. And even when not on the OB service the lullaby
that plays overhead at Enloe for every delivery will make you smile.


1 block in PGY1

The surgery rotation will focus on the diagnosis and management of surgical conditions and the
resident will also be part of the trauma response team in the Emergency department. There will
also be opportunity to work at Enloe’s wound clinic during this rotation.

Emergency Department

1 block in PGY1

Two weeks will be spent working day shifts and two weeks on night shifts getting exposure to
the wide variety of patients at Enloe’s Emergency Department. This will be a good opportunity
to utilize bedside ultrasound in making diagnoses and also for procedural opportunities.

Inpatient Pediatrics

1 block in PGY1

This rotation has been scheduled during the winter season when the pediatric service is busiest.
Admitting patients from the ER and following them throughout their stay residents will become
comfortable managing pediatric and newborn illnesses. Although we do not have a pediatric
ICU this elective will be available at UC Davis in the PGY2 or 3 years.

Outpatient Pediatrics

1 Month in PGY1

This rotation will be at North Valley Indian Health working alongside the fantastic pediatricians
there. Serving a population with many diverse needs the clinic is supported with onsite social
work, counseling, and speech therapy. The residents will enjoy the collegial environment in this
clinic and the learning opportunities that come from caring for children of all ages and various
backgrounds. Also residents will learn about the impact of Adverse Childhood Events which
Butte County has one of the highest rates in the state.

Community Health

1 month PGY1

We believe that you cannot effectively care for a patient without understanding the social factors
impacting their health. On our community medicine rotation gives interns the time to become
acquainted with the resources in our community and pursue a topic or health disparity that they
are passionate about. As a part of this rotation the resident will be mentored by Dr. Andy Miller,
former Public health officer for Butte County and public health professor at Chico state, to
design and complete a longitudinal project to positively impact our community. Residents will
also have the opportunity to work at our resident-run street clinic on Fridays and also with the
NVIH mobile clinic that goes to the Grindstone Indian Rancheria on Thursdays.


1 month PGY1

This rotation will help residents become proficient early on in their training in Women’s health
and gynecology. Residents will get training during their didactic time on IUD insertion,
Nexplanon insertion and contraceptive counseling.


1 month in PGY1

The orthopedic rotation will focus on emergency management and follow up of fractures in both
the ER and at the Ortho trauma clinic. The residents will participate in splinting work-shops
during their didactic time along with didactics focusing on the musculoskeletal exam and joint

Rural OB Elective

There is opportunity to work with Dr. Leininger, our APD and fellowship-trained family medicine
physician, providing OB care to her patients in the nearby town of Red Bluff.

International Electives

Residents will have the option to do up to two months of international electives in their PGY2 or
3 years.
One option is in rural Guatemala with Dr. Zach Self, former co-resident of Dr. Ladine. You can
check out his website here for more information. There is potential grant funding for this
elective. Wachalal- Healthcare Rural Guatemala

Rural Family Medicine Elective

The family physicians in Quincy are excited to host residents for a rural elective in their beautiful
mountain community. The physician contact in Dr. Tyler Barr who does full-spectrum family
medicine and rural emergency medicine at Plumas District Hospital.

Wilderness Medicine Experience

Our friends in Quincy also host an annual wilderness medicine conference that our residents will
be encouraged to participate in.
Here is a link for this year’s conference.
Sierra Nevada Conservation & Wilderness Medicine Conference (


Each Wednesday afternoon residents will be excused from all clinical responsibilities to attend
didactics. The basic structure will include interesting cases, lectures over specific learning topics
which will align with the residents rotations in the first year (since we only have one class to start
we get to cater the learning to our first class!). These didactics will take place in the newly built
resident lounge at Enloe, with food nearby. This is an extremely important time for our residents
where they can have a break from clinical responsibilities and have dedicated time to learning in
a fun and stress-free environment.